Bringing light to people who can't see.
Our VISIRIUM® Technology can show them a new world.

VISIRIUM is a world-first technology that will help create better vision aids for people with low vision, and the elderly.
Visual aid for people with low vision

Visional support for the elderly
With today's aging population, there will be over 2 million people with low vision in Japan by 2030.
This could mean a loss to the economy estimated at up to 8 trillion yen.
*Social Cost of Visual Impairment in Japan (Report from Japan Ophthalmologists Association Research Group 2006-2008)

Contribution to Para-sports
QD Laser is the official sponsor of Japan Para Athletics,
and providing laser eyewear to athletes.

Projecting videos of practice and games directly onto the retina. Supporting the activities of visually-impaired athletes.

Our athlete: Shinsuke Ishikawa
As an official sponsor of JPA, QD Laser contributes to the development of para-sports overall not just to people with low vision

(From left) Fumiyoshi Nagao/a former Japan National Team / a member of the JPA Athlete Training Committee, Akemi Masuda/Chairman of the JPA, Mitsuru Sugawara/QD Laser, Toshihito Mitsui/Director of the JPA